Eagle Valley Search Dogs is a non-profit, volunteer Search & Rescue K-9 team based in the Hudson Valley of Upstate New York. We provide professionally trained canine search teams dedicated to help locate lost and missing individuals. We service, but are not limited to, the Northeast / Tri-State area, NY, NJ, PA, CT, etc..

Eagle Valley is a member of the NY Federation of Search and Rescue and the Search and Rescue Council of NJ. We are dispatched either through these affiliates or from Law Enforcement, Fire, or other official Agencies. Eagle Valley is a 24/7 response team.
Dispatch Number: (authorized agencies only – law enforcement, fire department, etc.)
Primary: 917-364-4917 / Secondary: 845-742-2325
Eagle Valley is a member of the NY Federation of Search and Rescue and the Search and Rescue Council of NJ. We are dispatched either through these affiliates or from Law Enforcement, Fire, or other official Agencies. Eagle Valley is a 24/7 response team.
Dispatch Number: (authorized agencies only – law enforcement, fire department, etc.)
Primary: 917-364-4917 / Secondary: 845-742-2325
Your generous tax deductible donation supports our highly trained K9 Search, Rescue and Recovery Team, dedicated to assisting agencies with locating and recovering lost or missing persons, or wherever the detection of human scent is necessary.
Your generous tax deductible donation supports our highly trained K9 Search, Rescue and Recovery Team, dedicated to assisting agencies with locating and recovering lost or missing persons, or wherever the detection of human scent is necessary.
If you just love to play with dogs and be around dogs or if you just want to come and see what we do and help us out at the occasional training, we are always looking for new people to hide for our dogs. It's like a game of hide and seek. You hide and when the dog finds you, you have a big fun play session to reward our dogs. Volunteering your time in this way is invaluable to the training of our dogs, who need to learn to find all types of people. If you are interested in spending a day out in the woods with us and playing with dogs, please contact Diana Bzik at dianabzik@evdogs.org for our next scheduled training date.
If you just love to play with dogs and be around dogs or if you just want to come and see what we do and help us out at the occasional training, we are always looking for new people to hide for our dogs. It's like a game of hide and seek. You hide and when the dog finds you, you have a big fun play session to reward our dogs. Volunteering your time in this way is invaluable to the training of our dogs, who need to learn to find all types of people. If you are interested in spending a day out in the woods with us and playing with dogs, please contact Diana Bzik at dianabzik@evdogs.org for our next scheduled training date.
Check out what Eagle Valley is up to on Our Facebook Page!